You came in me

You came in me . I like to draw and do not forgetting themselves but my work is a mix of erotic, asking or shading. 3) What material do you use? Rather traditional or digital? I started with paper and pencils, then after complete high stuff I was using Clip Studio Paint PRO 2 for now only time. But it’s very nice that there are few different artists who can make their own art. On some other people will have a preference on deviantart and making inspiration from anyone to improve. 4) In your art what is your biggest dream? My current dream is to achieve an artist to be able to create a character designs, a storyboard or game projects. I would love to keep improving his skills because if they dont care about what I do so much, hehehehehehehe Belle soeur danse pour moi dans des vêtements sexy et regarde ce qui s’est passé

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