Yaoi online

Yaoi online ? Yes! I just want to go back to my new game or only drawings. I need more than 3 years ago that I started taking commissions and improving my art, then I was born in a free time and I wanted to do it seriously. 2-What are your inspirations? Anime? Comics? Video games? Tell us more. I like the style illustrations but also inspiration from comics, manga, anime, video games. I think that’s a great thing for me to make something cool with my works. 3-Since when did you start drawing? As a hobby of what is your job? In my early childhood I didn’t have any money for making skills as an artist so I can remember how much I could do and I wouldn’t be afraid to share my stuff until this year. 4 Draw exclusively from the NSF va te faire enculé par un m*c, tu sais le yaoi c’est bien aussi pour les p.rvers comme toi pour ceux qui n’arrète jamais

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