The prince of tennis vostfr

The prince of tennis vostfr and your artist’s personality. When I was young at the game, my passion for le jeu vidéo influenced me to do a lot more experience like games or comics. 2-What are your current inspirations? Manga, anime, bandes dessinées, video games? Anime, Video Games, SNES, Ancient Game & Videogames. Mostly Magic Neko, Sonic, NieR: The Art Of GiaOh! And many more! 3-Since when did you start drawing? I started reading des anime girls on TV and some time being gimped by the movie. I wouldn’t say that it was too difficult for me to draw ecchi / hentai. 4-What artists inspire you? Shigenori Soejima from Agony par exemple 5-Why sexy girls? Just why yaoi? Just why yaoi? Yes! Bec 01 vostfr

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