T girls

T girls , I guess. 2-Why do you like the NSFW / ecchi? I like to draw and anime style that is a bit fun, because it has been around 10 years since I was 15 or so. 3-What motivated you to draw? When did you start? I started drawing in high school, when I was 15 or so. 4-An anime / manga from your childhood that has marked you? Dragon B z / right now, Ranma1/2, Evangelion, Kendojin, Pokemon, Digimon and Yugioh. 5-What are your current inspirations? Manga, anime, comics, video games? My current inspiration is from my artistic career. I re y love the style that inspire me, as childhood. 6-Which artists inspire you? I have many artists who inspire me, both of them are Joss Lesc t. vs Cute Futa Girl 3.1 – par OpticonStudios

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