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Qrcode icon ic y’a pas de problème. Clik for English » 1-Welcome to HentaiFR! Can you introduce yourself? Hello I am Karakawa and I like to draw cute girls. 2-What do you like in life other than drawing? I like making a job, it’s my hobby. 3-Since when did you start drawing? I started drawing when i was 8 of them. But since then 4 years ago I started taking commissions and projects about the work, it wasn’t until I got back. 5-Why sexy girls? I re y love girls too hot but also bigger girls. 6-What influences your drawings? My favorite artists is Akimyichiro, Masamune Shirow et Yusuke Murata. I think that one guy have influenced me more from this point. 7-Wh on Titan – Épisode 11 – Icône – Bataille de Trost (7) – sous-titré en

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