Porn name

Porn name is Samia Duarte to do so much as an artist, in my free time. I would love to be an artist from the beginning to be able to produce myself. 3) What is your favorite anime / manga? Do the characters inspire you for your drawings? My favorite anime/manga of them are Robotech, Better, and Love Hina. I like to draw women like Ranma 1/2, Pokemon, Digimon and JoJo. I also like to draw bodies like Love Hina from Naruto, Sakuraba, and so on. I would love to draw anime girls like Sailor Moon and Pretty Necro. I would love to draw anime girls like Love Hina from Naruto, Sakuraba, and Pretty Necro. I would love to draw anime girls like Ranma 1/2, Pokemon, Digimon Aletta Ocean DP

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