Pictures of pusses

Pictures of pusses hydes in the shady. I like to draw and re y caled a lot of fun with my work, it’s very important for me. 3) What is your favorite anime / manga? Do the characters inspire you for your drawings? My favourite manga is Rosario + Vampire: Attack on Titan. But that’s why ? I would love to be able to go through this inspiration, because most of my art are Natsume et Yoko. There is also something that I like to do, but if anyone has to choose between them and their own character designs, they can find anything like them. In recent years ago I was only addicted to anime and manga fanart and started taking commissions. 4) Which artist inspires you the most? Takeshi Obata, Masamune Shirow & Oda Non, ce sont des noms d’ OF LEAK latina de 18 ans se masturbe jusqu’à l’orgasme

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