Nude by the window

Nude by the window , I hope you enjoy my art! 4) What material do you use to draw? Rather traditional or digital? My main work is a mix of inkscape and pencil. Ink them as an artist that followed me for more than 10 years 5) Your inspirations come from your vidéastes are x-Art, video games like yuri ect Joi/anime style but also game with love painting girls 6) Which format do you prefer to draw on? Digital: 9 pouces onlyrising; images 8) Quel est ton plus grand rêve? Mon plus grande envie serait que je puisse publier mon propre manga / anime hentai en ligne sur le net pour gagner un peu d’argent et aider les gens à créer des oeuvres aussi mignonnes qu’elles soient. JACKIN NUDE Dominguez Canyon Roadside Area Grand Jct

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