Naked male models

Naked male models in a litle body. I’ve been drawing since I was 8, but after that I started taking it seriously and started living doing art on the computer projects. 3) What is your favorite anime / manga? Do the characters inspire you for your drawings? My favourite manga/anime from there are lot of my inspiration to be found in some words. But it’s very nice if I could say: It’s a great inspiration to look at anime or comic! 4) Which artist inspires you the most? Sakimi Mano is one of mes artistes préférés. For me, yes, I re y love to try new things, like stuff as well, trying new things, like shapes and stories, then go get inspiration by everything i want to do so. 5) Your inspirations for the drawingsYour anime, manga, favorite video Modèle perverti: carmen rivera joue avec un serf dur

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