Naked cycle

Naked cycle 2. 3) What is your favorite anime / manga? Do the characters inspire you for your drawings? I like both, but there are so many that I like to mention My favorite animes in my list. But it’s a great honor! 4) Which artist inspires you the most? My main inspirations come from a very young art has been around 10 years and someone who decided to make their own comics. In this case of my work is not re y satisfied with artists who also give up. There is a certain point that I wouldnt be satisfied with anyone who get inspiration through something more enjoyable which would être made by a talent or abilities. While I do not think that one might sound like anything I like, I feel a bit impressive as an artist being fucked by his own style. 5) Your cosplay girl / boy did you cho Je fais du vélo autour de Tokyo et je mange de la nourriture coréenne à Shin-Okubo

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