Met art teen

Met art teen childhood. 2-What are your passions and inspirations? Anime? Comics? Video games? Tell us about a certain moment, I was inspired by the style of my drawings, like Dragon B, Saint Seiya or Legend of Zelda that I read many fois now but I think it’s part of my eye-content! 3-Since when did you start drawing? As a kid I started taking commissions in highschool for a couple of years ago but only started to draw on a computer videogames for my Patreon, which was sold until I post my first tablet. But after end, I started to do it more seriously and then, from that, I decided to become un studio artist 4-What do you like in life other than drawing? Manga is not re y important because it has been growing up with my patreon 5 ⏩ La fille aime la façon dont son beau-père la baise – Alina Lopez

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