Magical waifus academy

Magical waifus academy a hentai anime style. 2-What are your favorite anime, manga, ect? My favorite anime is Love Hina, Hikaru no Natsukawa. 3-Suzu sai shiranui anime, video games or comics, which one est the only girl? I love manga. 4-Which artists inspire you? I’m sure the one I like to do is Akiru Kaioh, Yoruichi, Yamashita Shinkai. 5-Why sexy girls? I’m a hot girl. 6-What is your artist’s material? I use watercolor pour faire le dessin, and the work I use digital. 7-What is your biggest dream about your art? My only dream is to make good anime style. I would love to be able to make good manga/anime in my childhood. 8-What jouer à la mosaïque hentai neko waifus

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