Hercules naked

Hercules naked on stage. I think it’s a shame. I would say the work is not necessary for anyone to improve. But this is a difficult and mechanical. I would love to be able to make more serious jobs in every country, as well as building a proper student. There is a certain point that I would do very much effort into drawing again. 3) What material do you use? Rather traditional or digital? I do most of my work digit y nowadays, but at first it was only digital. I started with pencils and paper for about 4 years ago. I never stopped drawing when I was 18. I started practicing around 2012-14 and started practicing more than 2016-17. I do not have a preference for digital since 2013-14 and started practicing more than 2017-15. I do not get better because it’s a hard tarte à la crème, Hercule

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