Gemma naked

Gemma naked on stage. 2-What do you like in life other than drawing? I like to watch a lot of videogames, it’s ch enging very much about the work and the game. 3-Since when did you start drawing? I started as an art school but only started doing digital art 4 years ago. I mostly re y started taking commissions and improving my illustrations for free time. 5-Why sexy girls? I like to look at anime girls so I also love Pokemon fanart of them. 6-What influences your drawings? Manga influence me more people might sound like Dragon B, Saint Seiya or Pokémon XD 7-Which character would you have liked to be? I just want to go through his story! 8-What brings you drawing in your daily life? I think it is not a bit fun for me. 9-What br Gemma Minx vidéo solo

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