Five nights at freddy’s futa

Five nights at freddy\’s futa Jada Doll. 3-What are the techniques used for your drawings?Uff, I use a Wacom Intuos Art tablet and clip studio paint. I started working in manga art on TV because of my free time to go! 4-An anime / manga from your childhood that has marked you? Uff, I don’t know if they have fun drawing, but usu y it’s very important to me. 5-What are your current inspirations? Manga, anime, comics, video games? My main inspiration is my favorite character designs like Mafia 48, Aqua like Trapkin Z et Black Cat. 6-Which artists inspire you? I also love many artists, both one of them are Yusuke Murata, Shindo Koushizza, Yuasa Hatsunemura, Ryuko Matoi ect. 7 Les cuisses de Bonnie

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