Failed video interview

Failed video interview in English 1-Hello and welcome to our French hentai site. Introduce yourself. Hello! I’m AnimeListener, a 19 year old Japanese artist from here. 2-Are you happy to share your art with French hentai and ecchi fans? Of course it is not re y happy to be able to share my works with French hentai and ecchi fans so much as the chance to give them attention. 3-How long have you been drawing? Since I was 8 years old. But this time when I started taking commissions and projects that I wanted to do something more seriously about my work, I never stopped before again but only took commission one day after that. 4-What made you want to draw? I think it’s easy for me to make anything like doing some of my own characters. It’s very fun Casting C’est le temps des bobines!

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