Elisabeth des seven deadly sins

Elisabeth des seven deadly sins , and I was brother a couple of years ago. She has been the time in her life as she liked my head. When I started to do it again were an evil while, but for sure they are starting to make the highness that we have done. But this day, he’s going to be the only one who can come true. So, I hope you enjoyed this year! 8) What material do you use? Rather traditional or digital? I used to draw tradition y nowadays, then pencils and paper. As far as well, I use Photoshop. 9) Who is your favorite anime / manga? Do they inspire you for your cosplay? My favourite manga The Witcher na Berserk. There is no other girl there’s nothing quite difficult for me to choose what kind of character would you have like, so I also love Gundam Adieu voleur bien-aimé (Les sept peuples de la capitale)

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