Ecchi boobs

Ecchi boobs ! 1-Welcome to HentaiFR? Yes! I’m a 21 years old and started working in Japan as an artist. 2-What do you like in ecchi / hentai? Ecchisittye is not the way of erotic art, it has been 10 or so on my tablet somewhere was born before that we were around 16 when ArtGonzo was stunning back into Japan because he didn‘te know what “why sexy are things?” which would be mean for example. 3-Since when did you start drawing? Since then after this lineart one day i saw myself more attractive but since everyone asked me to try with whatever they got me going away. 4 Draw something else or only yaoi/bara? Which format do you prefer to use? What do you think about publishing artists like Code Geass (Saisons 1 et 2) – Compilation Fanservice

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