Driving naked

Driving naked on stage. 2-What do you like in life other than drawing? I re y love playing video games and anime, i try to make the work a bit more seriously as an artist or game designer3-Since when did you start drawing? I started taking it seriously around 2012 so now i was 15 years old4-What motivated you? My first inspiration is for my art, i always liked anime and videogames but since then i got into hentai 5-Why sexy girls? I think that’s why not? Its funny because of me drawings are funny, i just want to look at mind too6-What influences your drawings? Manga: manga / anime from Japanese games 7-Which artists inspire you? Aika: Doxy 8-Sm breasts or big breasts? Why? Sm, coloris 9-Wh Chauffeur nu

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