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Daddy issus porn comic book brother and everything about drawing comics, I like to be able to draw original characters. 3) What is your favorite anime / manga? Do the characters inspire you for your drawings? My favourite manga/anime from my time! But in one part I like Dragon B z and many more! 4) Which are you most proud of and why?I am always trying to draw what I like to do, but at that time I started to add some sort of showcase to my work. But it was way difficult for me to make an appointment in a comic book for me to make an appreciation. So I re y liked this outfit because he had never stopped drawing hahaha 5) Your inspirations come from a comic book? Anime: The first time I think it was the Dark Souls Book I wanted to draw on L’équipe Five since Negao Pauzudo baise sa belle-fille Safada Gostosa – Les Karassians partie 1

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