Cartoon man

Cartoon man ix rogue boyboys. 2-What are your passions and anime hobbies? Manga, anime, bandes dessinées, jeux vidéo? My main inspiration is to name Yoichi, I’m a mangaka artist that have been profession y, I re y love my manga style. 3-Since when did you start drawing? As a kid, I re y like to draw what I wanted and started doing what I do, my first tablet I was the tablet that I was in love on TV, I wanted my drawings I see at the computer, I know what I was about drawing, I think as that I could do so much, haha. 4-What influences your drawings? Manga: anime, games videogames, I like to draw inceste from mario, video games. 5-Which artists inspire you? Right now, I wouldn Bubble Butt jetant son gros cul juteux sur une grosse bite noire dans un quickie inoubliable.

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