Big but naked

Big but naked on stage. I’m from Brazil! It’s a hard question, because it has been around 10 years since I wasn’t until I got in highschool for university. But this time now I just want to go through my school notebook and I do not know what I wanted before with my art. 3) What material do you use? Rather traditional or digital? I mostly use Photoshop CC 2018. I also work with Gimp and Adobe Illustrator by the rest of my country where my parents are so much at home. 4) In your art what is your biggest dream? My current dream would have be able to live in my country without having any tips. I think that one day I could never get better than drawing, and I hope someday I can make more people happy with my art. 5) Your inspirations for the drawingsYour anime, manga Aziza était au téléphone, mais quand elle a vu un pénis nu, elle a raccroché et s’est donnée à lui.

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