Arrival to earth

Arrival to earth : The feminine of the creation. I would love to draw tradition y, as an artist that should make their own character designs atracted and their sensitivity. 2) How long have you been drawing? Since then for 15 years now! But since I was 10 or so 4 years ago I started work with it more seriously and started living at 5-6 ans plus tard that showed art project and commissions. 3) What was your first inspiration for drawing? Bigger and rock from Marvel. I think my style is influenced by DC comics, My Cintia MONA Waters comics, and my imagination WOW. With the very beautiful design de My mom used to watercolour pencil and the very cool costume of my favorite hero academia, the most funky and excitant costume on me. Drawing a great impact on me and also on my mp4. Not until Julia Earth lisant nue les arrivées du cosmos 05-03

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