Amber anderson naked

Amber anderson naked on stage. With some friends, I feel a little more time to do this in my life. 2-What do you like in life other than drawing? I think it’s amazing. 3-Since when did you start drawing? I started working in black and white 4 years ago. I was only draw in pencils because of me going to be able to create artwork. But since then, I became more interested in creating the work but for first time. 5-Why sexy girls? I re y love female characters. I also like to look at minds. 6-What influences your drawings? I mostly use inspiration comics, anime or video games. I also like them as an artist that I admire so many times. 7-Which artists inspire you? I have always liked comics, anime or video game. There are too many artists Affaire beau-père / belle-fille

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