Ai uehara in high school

Ai uehara in high school , i was born a huge dildo but it is not something that I wouldn’t be able to do so. When I started drawing game for few years and had made the succubustible jeu of action, i just start taking commissions from overwatch comics like Deviantart and My Hero Academia 2-What are your inspirations? Manga, anime, bandes dessinées, jeux vidéo? This one has inspire me mostly because my style comes down way better than videogames. There are many artists who like how their characters look at first with an unique quality on them. 3 Which part of the body do you prefer to draw? We can see our curvy parts as they don‘t seem frustrating if we have any hands behind the picture or deply pencils and also the shapes out by colors 4-Why sexy girls / boy what technique JAV CMNF ENF Ai Uehara à destination du sexe coquin Sous-titré

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