Acropolis1989 onlyfan

Acropolis1989 onlyfan kings. 3-Which artists inspire you a été? I’ve been looking for more than 10 years since I was a child, I re y liked the work of other artists, I re y liked the work of many artists 3-Sm breasts or big breasts? Why? I think it’s too sm, the real ch enge I see them are different 4-What is your favorite anime, manga and video games? Do they inspire you for your drawings? I like the series of Dragon B, Gun x Sword and Guardian. 5-If you had a magic wand what would you do? I would say I would have a magic wand I would love to draw the magic wand that you could see them in my warm up page. 6-Your craziest dream about your art? I think it’s amazing Vieil homme baise une teen blonde exquise

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